
Smart Money – Vestact CEO Paul Theron reveals his best ever share investment

Smart Money with Paul Theron

In the latest episode of Daily Investor’s new talk show, Smart Money, Alishia Seckam talks to Vestact founder and CEO Paul Theron.

Vestact is an active investment management firm that manages assets on behalf of private clients in both rands and US Dollars through individualised investment accounts.

Theron is a respected trailblazer in the South African financial services industry. However, unlike many other investment heavyweights, he did not come from a financial background.

Theron graduated with a Master’s Degree in Energy Engineering from the University of Cape Town, specialising in oil, gas, coal, and electricity.

He then worked for a corporate in energy policy but quickly realised that he was better suited to be an entrepreneur and run his own company.

The internet was starting to gain traction, and he joined forces with a few friends and associates to start an online sports business which was sold to the Mweb/M-Net group. It became the foundation of the Supersport website.

They also started South Africa’s first online stockbroker Tradek. Although briefly listed on the JSE, Theron said it was a disaster and was ultimately delisted and shut down.

In 2002, he started Vestact, which has shown exceptional growth and now has R7.5 billion in assets under management (AUM).

In this episode of Smart Money, Theron talks about his move from engineering to finance and outlines the biggest challenges he faced when founding Vestact.

He also explains his investment strategy, gives his investment outlook for 2023, and reveals the best share investment he ever made.

You can watch the full interview with Paul Theron below or on Spotify and Google Podcasts.


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