
Anchor Capital’s plan to reach R1 trillion AUM in ten years

Peter Armitage

Anchor Capital CEO Peter Armitage said the asset manager wants to grow to R500 billion in assets under management (AUM) by 2027 and pass R1 trillion in AUM in ten years.

Armitage shared Anchor Capital’s growth plans during a Smart Money with Alishia Seckam interview.

Late last year, Anchor Capital merged with UK-based wealth manager Credo, creating a wealth and asset management business with R225 billion in AUM.

Credo is a privately owned wealth and asset management business founded in the United Kingdom 25 years ago.

The company provides wealth management services to predominantly high-net-worth clients and operates a global investment platform.

Creadi has 100 staff members, 7,500 clients, and £4.6 billion (R105 billion) in AUM.

The merger between Anchor Capital and Credo created a global investment and wealth powerhouse with big ambitions.

The Credo merger allowed Anchor Capital to continue to focus on its core offering and find growth by expanding geographically.

If Anchor Capital had only focused on South Africa, it would have had to diversify its offering to achieve growth.

Armitage told Smart Money that his initial ambitions were to grow Anchor Capital into a R500 billion asset manager by 2030. However, the Credo acquisition accelerated their growth.

“We are now halfway there. I have moved the R500 billion assets under management target to 2027,” he said.

“In ten years’ time, we want to grow assets under management to R1 trillion – four times the size we are today.”

He added that while strong growth and the size of the business grab headlines, it is not their main motivator.

Instead, it is getting their clients great investment returns and helping them. “We love what we do because we change people’s lives for the better,” he said.

“We know what we are good at and want to offer it to more people in more countries.”


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